(http://i.imgur.com/8NME9AP.jpg) | (http://i.imgur.com/2dAkdEX.png) | UBA stands for Universal Blockchain Analyzer. It's a built-in module that specializes in reading other coins blockchain data. It creates indexed and secured datastructures that are optimized for their distribution over the servicenodes network to be used for the decentralized blockexplorer | |
(http://i.imgur.com/9xx2dJA.jpg) | (http://i.imgur.com/2dAkdEX.png) | UNA stands for Universal Network Analyzer. Once we have agreed on a methodoly for anonymous and decentralized big data, we will start development of another built-in module that scans network traffic caused by the hosted daemons. We will leave the daemons alone and not use their RPC services to ask them for info, we will rather deduce any info from the network streams themselves. |
(http://i.imgur.com/wbg8Ejj.png) | (http://i.imgur.com/2dAkdEX.png) | Decentralized Blockexplorer Competitive collateral servicenodes each running a UBA module will enable spreadcoin's first decentralized service: A decentralized blockexplorer operating from within the spreadcoin wallet, allowing servicenodes to host any coin they like. The ongoing "Altcoin Taxonomy Project" and its implementation of coinURIs will create the largest best reviewed database of altcoins, encouraging a more informed decision-making among both users and servicenode operators. | |
(http://i.imgur.com/Wj7Fy9q.png) | (http://i.imgur.com/2dAkdEX.png) | Anonymous & Decentralized Big Data Methodology Big Data done the wrong way can pose a great danger to both privacy and decentralization. Therefor preliminary research is currently done to explore privacy, security and validity issues. Note that the potential monetization and profitability of Big Data is completely irrelevant at this stage. It is entirely possible that Big Data will turn out to be incompatible with true decentralization principles, in which case we will limit the use of all analyzed network data to merely improve the operation of servicenodes. | |
(http://i.imgur.com/e3c43I0.png) | (http://i.imgur.com/2dAkdEX.png) | Proof Of Bitcoin Node / Proof Of Any Node Proving that a full bitcoin node is exclusively installed and used by a single servicenode requires a solution similar in complexity and about as groundbreaking as solving the double-spend problem in bitcoin. Solving PoBN will likely allow the creation of a decentralized exchange and (should a valid big data methodology be found) a big data market. |
Georgem, quick question: Why is it that big data comes before POBN on the roadmap? My assumption is that the goal is to have a solid service structure up & running before trying to support the Bitcoin network. Is that an accurate assumption, or is there other reasoning behind this?
Is there just a general discussion somewhere in this forum?
It looks like Bitcointalk is down now. It would be nice to have another place to have some general discussion.
I realize main development is one big area where general discussion happens. I just think it would be nice to narrow it down to one general thread if possible ;D