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SpreadCoin to be added at offers bank transfers, withdrawals to Visa/Master card, and custom debit card for all the cryptocurrencies on its platform.
On top of that instant exchanges to all supported cryptocurrencies and e-currencies are available. pioneered instant crypto to crypto exchange in 2013 and now offers also varios fiat directions to provide additional liquidity for supported cryptocurrencies.
Exchange directions provided for supported coins:- Instant exchanges to all other cryptos on our platform. Coinomat was the first project to offer this and it will always remain our top priority.
Various fiat exchange directions:- Withdrawal to any Visa or Master card issued by any bank in the world.This is a great way to provide your coin with liquidity, especially for users which live in the countries with not developed crypto arena. To withdraw to a bank account you need someone to send you the funds from the local bank, so it can be a problem if there are not many local exchangers. But you can easily send the funds to any Visa/Master card which are used basically in every country of the world. Transfer costs around 3% of the amount and takes 2-3 business days.
- Crypto purchasing and selling with bank transfer.If you need to buy some altcoins with bank transfer it could be a real problem, not so many providers out there who offer this. We enable our users to load their Coinomat account with bank transfer and buy any coin we support. To mitigate volatility effects first the account is credited and only after that a user can purchase the crypto of his choice.
Transfer from most countries are accepted (except for US)
- Withdrawal to custom bank card.We offer custom debit card which can be loaded with cryptocurrency and works in all ATM�s all over the world. Card costs $40, is delivered within a week after successful order (users need to provide Personal ID and Proof of residence). The card is not tied to a personal bank account and works more like stored value card. After the card is delivered a user is able to load it from her Coinomat account.
Offering these services we cover basically all major ways to buy and sell your crypto. Liquidity is what cryptocurrency scene is lacking at the moment, and providing more fiat liquidity can be a great popularity booster for SpreadCoin.