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Messages - MemoryShock

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Main Development / Re: Masternodes Testing (Round 2)
« on: February 19, 2015, 08:17:10 am »
Finally elected...still looking forward to a next update...

Main Development / Re: Masternodes Testing (Round 2)
« on: February 19, 2015, 07:39:24 am »
Still waiting for a 3023 to be elected from last night...the process does seem to be slow but I imagine that is part of the test process.

Would be nice to hear from Mr. Spread though....

Main Development / Re: Masternodes Testing (Round 2)
« on: February 18, 2015, 08:35:03 am »
It's been a long weekend (work plus a two year old and a psych major...the latter has taken much time since I am designing an experiment and trying to help some one with theirs; long story short - been reading but damned if there is time to watch the numbers here)...

I see that we are at less than 1400 MN's...just sent a 3000+ tSPR to myself (mining) in order to try and boot someone but I don't think that is an issue?  Should I split them up?

Main Development / Re: Masternodes Testing (Round 2)
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:07:56 am »
I thought elbandi addressed that issue with Mr.Spread saying it will be included in the next update (for testnet)?

Main Development / Re: Proof-reading Mr. Spread's texts and whitepaper...
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:04:47 am »
I might jump in on this if I see no progress in the next week (I have a lot of work to do coming up in the next five days).

I have huge respect for bilingual individuals...and even more for those who can code...disclaimer from a reformed grammar nazi who will never stop abusing ellipsis.  Relevant disclaimer because there are punctuation/grammar/spelling errors in the little I have read.  I'll put this on the back burner but it will get done...

I think the best thing would be to do what many of those top 50 coins have done and have their linked discussion lead to their private forum.

1.  Link to here.

2.  Create a new forum on here titled, "New to Spreadcoin?  Learn about it here"

3.  Create extremely useful about, FAQ, and guides for newbies in that forum.

4.  Close the self-moderated thread if Mr. Spread doesn't want it.

5.  Only use the bitcointalk thread to post updates and guide new people to here.


Community Projects / Re: Android Wallet
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:22:18 pm » was late and that didn't even occur to me.  Should have though...thanks.

As an example, I found out about Darkcoin on the BTC-e trollbox early last year. They were all mocking it and calling it "Dork". That led me to searching for it and now I'm here. So these hostile and nasty environments serve a purpose too.

As an aside, that is kind of a fun story.  I ditched watching the trollbox quite a bit before DRK was on the scene (probably not before development began)...they were still talking about FTC...which I bought and sold a week later (thank gawd). 

But thanks for letting me know that the BTC-E trollbox worked out for someone...: D

Community Projects / Re: Android Wallet
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:58:15 am »
That was a fast as soon as I hit send on the computer I received a notification on my phone.  Pretty cool.

So should I expect the coins on the Android wallet to become a Masternode once they mature?  I used coins that I have mined so my other MN's aren't effected; just wondering if I should be looking for this address as well in the list...

And there is a pretty major bug...I sent 711.80142 - it shows in the Android wallet as 711801.42

If I try and send the larger amount back will I mess up anything on the testnet?

Edit to correct numbers.

Community Projects / Re: Android Wallet
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:55:29 am »
That was a fast as soon as I hit send on the computer I received a notification on my phone.  Pretty cool.

So should I expect the coins on the Android wallet to become a Masternode once they mature?  I used coins that I have mined so my other MN's aren't effected; just wondering if I should be looking for this address as well in the list...

Keep them both.  Time will tell which one gets used more.

I agree that we need free speech but organized fud is outside of that debate especially within a community that is growing.

Edit to add - I didn't vote and see no need to.  Let the free market decide...; )

Community Projects / Re: Android Wallet
« on: February 11, 2015, 02:34:50 am »
Nice.  I'll download in a bit and start playing around with're a beast elbandi!!!!

Do you want bug reports?  Or is it something that you know will be fixed?  I don't want to start posting things if they are not needed...; )

Forum Feedback / Re: android app for forum
« on: February 10, 2015, 08:31:09 am »
Was using the app seems that that the app is not updating threads properly.  I can see that a certain thread has multiple posts but when 'clicking' to view the last post I get stuck on page one of the thread.

Not a priority...just an observation...

Main Development / Re: Masternodes Testing (Round 2)
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:23:50 am »
Well the election process seems to be taking longer than last time. Due to more MNs or something Mr Spread changed I don't know, but if it's like this on mainnet it's going to make picking your MN collateral 'price' interesting - get it too low and you could have wasted a day or two...  :-X

We have 800 MN's in less than 24 hours.  It took longer than 24 hours for 300 MN's to be established last time...if I am not mistaken...

Not sure how this applies to mainnet but I think we do have our stress test. 

I hate to say it because I appreciate elbandi's work but the faucet might have actually slowed down the test process.  We have definite stress interest and what seems to be a slow and steady stream of tSPR (or is that relevant?)

Main Development / Re: Masternodes Testing (Round 2)
« on: February 09, 2015, 06:02:48 am »
I have 187 masternodes on one computer and 50 on another.

So yeah, start adding to your masternode count, folks :)

If we receive tSPR from the faucet, do we still need to send them to ourself again?


Just create a new address and resubmit to the faucet until the limit is reached.  All received transactions equal to or in excess of 100 will eventually confirm into a Masternode.

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