
Do you think Mr. Spread will be back?

15 (48.4%)
15 (48.4%)
Who cares, we don't need him.
1 (3.2%)

Total Members Voted: 30

Author Topic: Mr. Spread  (Read 8789 times)


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2015, 08:22:54 pm »
Windows 7 based computer.
Novice Python coding.
Able to alpha test any project.
Will donate SPR for bountys.


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2015, 08:30:13 pm »
why Mr Spread didn't make it 10x faster in the first place

If memory serves me well it has been considered (I think a conversation with GeorgeM and the dev) to assign 10x more voting block space in Round 3 to speed up the voting process...


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2015, 08:38:49 pm »
Faster is tempting, but not a big issue. Once a masternode is elected it is elected. (Unless it gets kicked)  I like the idea of having a variable masternode because it forces people to buy more SPR to stay up with the game. This rewards long term holders who bought it cheap (like right now) and encourages a price growth down the line.  I think the original idea he had was fantastic. Honestly I think we need next to no tweaking to implement the original idea. I know we all want faster elections, but in the grand scheme of things it's not that long.


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2015, 08:39:55 pm »
Good to see people wanting to push Spread forward. I still think it has great potential.
Wasn't Elbandi also doing stuff. I am not a coder unfortunately.
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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2015, 08:47:04 pm »
Does anyone have the capability of slightly modifying the election speed? If only a little. If someone steps up to adjust it then we can put it on testnet immediately. The public needs to see that this project is moving forward. Many of the other developers want to take a few months to perfect it (which I understand) but the coin may be dead before we get that far. Lets get a small victory in the making.


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2015, 08:52:29 pm »
Can we safely call testing round 2 finished? If so let's announce it on bitcointalk and encourage everyone to make preparations for round 3.


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2015, 09:11:36 pm »
Can we safely call testing round 2 finished? If so let's announce it on bitcointalk and encourage everyone to make preparations for round 3.

Yes, I think test round 2 is definitely finished.
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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2015, 09:14:27 pm »
Ive got a buddy of mine coming over this week to look at code. Im sure he'll do this for free as a favor. If he sees something imperative or ideas put forward he likes Im sure he will help. More than likely not for free but this guy is top notch. If he can help ill see what I can do to sway him into lending a hand.


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2015, 09:19:47 pm »
maybe a one step at a time approach is best - another round of testing with more votes per block for faster election/de-election of Masternodes, plus your own/elbandi's UI improvements?

Yes, a detailed road map with dates.

1. Clearly bring round 2 of testing to a public end.
2. Publish a brief summary of the results of round 2.
3. Decide and announce what's to be tested in round 3, with a timeline
4. Detailed planning of round 3
5. etc.

If the de/election process was about 10x faster it would be a great start.  :)

Okay, but first we (I) need to understand why Mr Spread didn't make it 10x faster in the first place, i.e. we (I) need to discover and assess the tradeoffs involved.

Tangentially, I think the group could/would benefit a lot if technical discussions were to be held on github in the context of a new (membership-driven) spreadcoin-project github organisation that would offer a bit more structure for us to cling to (making effective open-source group decisions is hard enough as it is). Github offers a usefully practical workspace: issue ticketing, milestones, etc and, as an open source project, there are lots of quite generous closely-associated options open to the Spreadcoin development team w.r.t, to continuous integration / build etc.

Github repos come with a wiki and a web site, it seems suboptimal to have content owned and hosted by an individual when it can be collectively owned, maintained and hosted for free --- or at least until the Spreadcoin �community� (for want of a better word)  develops more formal principles of self-administration and collective curation of commons-generated value.

Shifting tech discussion to github would indeed seem prudent given the predicament we currently find ourselves in.  ;D

As regards the UI and other blockchain-neutral wallet enhancements, it's all up in the air. I agreed with the poster in the darkcointalk thread who found fault with the lack of public vision. It's problematic in that there is no coherent vision for functionality - in contrast with, say, the Clams wallet and the latest SecurityCoin2.1 wallet.



The trouble with public vision is usually that it's pointed in all manner of conflicting directions... I think Spread has already taken some firm and positive steps in the direction of user friendliness, and that should be built on. Is there some specific direction you'd like to head in?


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2015, 09:37:38 pm »
Tangentially, I think the group could/would benefit a lot if technical discussions were to be held on github in the context of a new (membership-driven) spreadcoin-project github organisation that would offer a bit more structure for us to cling to (making effective open-source group decisions is hard enough as it is). Github offers a usefully practical workspace: issue ticketing, milestones, etc and, as an open source project, there are lots of quite generous closely-associated options open to the Spreadcoin development team w.r.t, to continuous integration / build etc.

Github repos come with a wiki and a web site, it seems suboptimal to have content owned and hosted by an individual when it can be collectively owned, maintained and hosted for free --- or at least until the Spreadcoin �community� (for want of a better word)  develops more formal principles of self-administration and collective curation of commons-generated value.

Let's do that. A collectively owned "head quarters" is vitally important.
We will need to solve one problem at a time.
Should Mr. Spread never again show up, we will also have to solve the problem with the official site spreacoin.net.
(I understand that it is owned by Mr. Spread?)
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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2015, 09:45:15 pm »
we sould not bury MrSpread. he is off since some days, we can give him some times more


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2015, 09:50:20 pm »
we sould not bury MrSpread. he is off since some days, we can give him some times more

Ofcourse, but the more days pass, the more ridiculous his story will have to be when he comes back...
I guess at some point, Mr. Spread will simply be too ashamed to come back. The time window that allows him to save face is closing rapidly.

But then again, I will always be interested to hear his story.
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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2015, 10:53:39 pm »
I believe Mr. Spread abandoned SPR project because of Suprnova pool and other pools in the future, if any will exist. "No pool" was his main and original concept, but I don't think ocminer did a bad thing on purpose. It was a challenge for any pool owner. Ocminer just solve a challenge.
On the other hand, Mr. Spread shouldn't be disappointed with pool existing. SPR could raise in other directions despite of pools.
I personally haven't dumped any SPR before, and I'm still mining it, but I don't expect any bright future if Mr. Spread won't return.
I'm ready to help in testing, as I did in previous 2 tests, or any other way to promote SPR, if anyone would be interested in futher development.


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2015, 11:09:14 pm »
I believe Mr. Spread abandoned SPR project because of Suprnova pool and other pools in the future, if any will exist. "No pool" was his main and original concept, but I don't think ocminer did a bad thing on purpose. It was a challenge for any pool owner. Ocminer just solve a challenge.
On the other hand, Mr. Spread shouldn't be disappointed with pool existing. SPR could raise in other directions despite of pools.
I personally haven't dumped any SPR before, and I'm still mining it, but I don't expect any bright future if Mr. Spread won't return.
I'm ready to help in testing, as I did in previous 2 tests, or any other way to promote SPR, if anyone would be interested in futher development.

Unlikely he gave up that easily.

You know what would ensure that no pools could exist to short-circuit blockchain security? Shifting to pure Proof of Service with n-of-m Masternodes baking each new block onto the chain. 

Consensus subsetting would be orders of magnitude more secure than the current linear brute force PoW method. Hell, have two separate MN subsets that need to agree before that block's transactions are cooked in.

Eco friendly too.


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Re: Mr. Spread
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2015, 11:14:38 pm »
I believe Mr. Spread abandoned SPR project because of Suprnova pool and other pools in the future, if any will exist.
nope. the current minersignature is the third pool protection solution. so it's not a news for him if a pool exists.

"No pool" was his main and original concept, but I don't think ocminer did a bad thing on purpose. It was a challenge for any pool owner. Ocminer just solve a challenge.
Yeah, 1% hashrate, cool. that's a big pool!!!! everyone is minig there!!!! :D omg, omg