Hopefully the next test build will have a lower mimimum number of MNs for payment to start, and a lower maximum number of MNs, so we can see how the pricing dynamics play out.
edit: if there's a battlegound of churning MNs at the bottom of the 'spread' it might create problems ever achieving the minimum number for payments to start... so I'd advise something like a 50 minimum and 350 maximum for the next test build. Should be brutal. 
I'd love to see a lower MN requirement, not just for testing.
It seems that there appears to be a recurring theme, of using numbers for spreadcoin specifics which are based on
time values.
Like 1 day has 1440 minutes, so max amount of MN is also 1440.
Maturing of mined coins and masternode payments: 120 blocks = 2 hours.
What doesn't yet fit right into this is the 50 confirmations for MN start (it should rather be 60 confirmations, or a whole hour).
And 100 SPR as requirement. Why not make it 60 SPR?
Have every number be a multiple of minutes or hours or days.
Just an idea!