Georgem, I was perusing some forums on reddit and was specifically looking for ways that one could prove that one is running a full node. It looks like there aren't any unique identifiers that enable the network to recognize a fake node from a real node.
I know PoBN will likely be something you begin working on after all of the other loads of work you have. But do you have any initial thoughts on how you will be going about solving that problem? Will the implementation of the block explorer directly tie into this? Is this all information you are keeping in a secret bunker somewhere?

For instance I know you said this in the road map:
Proving that a full bitcoin node is exclusively installed and used by a single servicenode requires a
solution similar in complexity and about as groundbreaking as solving the double-spend problem in bitcoin.
Solving PoBN will likely allow the creation of a decentralized exchange and (should a valid big data methodology be found) a big data market."
I also know your time is precious (far better spent coding than talking to us laymen in the forums lol), so don't worry about a long winded response if you think the explanation will be better shared down the road.