I propose to have a limited amount of MNs that slowly grows over time:
I've been thinking about Strumpet's concern about the rich owning masternodes. What is everyone's thought on increasing the cap to 2880 from 1440? In my opinion that would solve the issue.
Originally Mr. Spread only wanted to use a max of 1000 MNs.
1440 max MNs was based around an idea I had that this way every MN would on average receive 1 payment a day.
I believe that having twice that (2880) will not solve the problem you describe (the problem of "how will newcomers be able to afford a masternode later in time"),
but only postpone the problem so it will come back and bite us later.
I always advocated for a flexible amount of MNs.
A limit yes, but a flexible one, that increases slowly over time.
This way it gets to act like a limit (that creates competition thru scarcity, and enables price discovery), but it will also have the flexibility to adjust for a large growth of SPR price and what an MN will cost.
I advocate for tying the max amount of MNs to the coinsupply:Max MN = (total coinsupply)/ 1000.or maybe divide them even further.
Max MN = (total coinsupply)/ 1440.or
Max MN = (total coinsupply)/ 2880.So today (with 1.865 Million coins) this would mean
1865 possible MNs, or
1294, or
647 possible MNs. (total coinsupply divided by 1000, 1440 and 2880)
This is not a fix limit, but a moving target, so let's look how this will change over time:
In 6 Months it will probably be
5000 MNs (or
3472, or
1736 MNs)....
We follow Bitcoins increase in coinsupply curve more or less.
So in about 6 years, we will have 13.85 Million coins.
How many MNs should we have in 6 years?
Based on my three suggestions, it would be
13850, or
9618, or
4809 MNs.
And what does that mean for eternity?
We will have
21000, or
14584 or
7292 MNs.